+607-5534026 +607-5532206 fest@utm.my

Master in Education
Mixed Mode (Coursework and Research)


The School of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities offers Master in Education, which is a Master program by mixed mode (coursework and research) with 15 specializations as the following:

1 Administration and Management in Education
2 Guidance and Counselling in Education
3 Curriculum and Instruction
4 Education and Development
5 Educational Psychology
6 Physics Education
7 Physical Education and Sports Science
8 Islamic Studies
9 Chemistry Education
10 Mathematics Education
11 Educational Technology
12 Measurement and Evaluation
13 Science Education
14 Early Childhood Education
15 Teaching English as a Second Language


The Program Educational Objectives (PEO) of Master in Education:

PEO1 Proficient in applying and communicating in-depth relevant knowledge in solving problems critically and analytically in the field of education.
PEO2 Career advancement through life-long learning and competencies in research, leadership, interpersonal and digital skills.
PEO3 Practice ethical principles and entrepreneurial mindset within professional and societal contexts
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Programmes Fees
Registration Kit
Potential Supervisor

For more information about the admission process,

Contact ;

Email pgfest@utm.my

+6075537809 / +6075537573 (International Students)

+6075537809 / +6075537632 (Malaysian Students)

Website http://admission.utm.my

To know more about the programme,

Contact ;

Name Dr. Norazrena Abu
Email norazrena@utm.my
Phone Number +6019-7103903
Name Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noraffandy bin Yahaya
Email p-afandy@utm.my 
Phone Number +607-5534258

Any inquiry about course registration, please contact:

Contact ;

Name PG Office
Email pgfest@utm.my
Phone Number +607-5534026